New to Rowing?
Now's the time, no matter what your age/fitness status, to come out on the Lake and learn this great sport!
Participants are welcome to visit the club upon graduation from a Learn To Row program. Request a visit to practice by using our CONTACT US page. CLASSES OFFERED @ MOUNT BAKER ROWING & SAILING: If you are new to rowing you can take a ‘learn to row’ class through our Mount Baker Rowing and Sailing (where Conibear Rowing Club is based). Novice classes for adults 16 and up are offered by Mt. Baker Rowing and Sailing Center from March through December. These classes prepare rowers to row either recreationally or competitively in the adult co-ed rowing program at the Mt. Baker Rowing and Sailing Center, or to join a private rowing club such as Conibear. For more information, contact the Mt. Baker Rowing and Sailing Center office at (206) 386-1913 or register for classes at HAVE PREVIOUS ROWING EXPERIENCE: If you have successfully completed a Rowing II level class through the Seattle Parks and Recreation Department, have received similar training elsewhere or are a previous rower, come visit us a few times to see how you like our group. We plan land/water workouts for MWF, 5:30am-7:30am January through beginning of November. To set up a visit, use our CONTACT FORM. |
Conibear is Seeking Coxswains
- Get to hang out with a great team, go to fun places, learn new skills. - Travel for free with the team to regattas (airfare, hotel, ground transportation, and three meals a day are covered). - May choose time commitment that works for you -- come to practice 3 times a week, or just 1 or 2. - Pay no fees of any kind as long as they are actively coxing. - Receive a free after-practice latte, if they choose to go with the team to coffee. - May participate in all land training for free. - May row for free when not needed to cox, such as during small boat season. - Potentially participate in Conibear’s twice-yearly sculling clinic, if interested. - Are required to attend (at no charge) any coxswain clinic the club holds. - Enjoy an awesome outlet for a competitive nature (whether you already know you have one or not!). |